St. Anthony's Preschool Program
PreSchool Class (3-year old)
For most, this will be your child's first time in school! We understand that you and your child have met this day with excitement and possibly some apprehension or perhaps a little of both. Our PreS program is designed to help children make the social and emotional adjustment to a formal school program.
Requirements for enrollment:
Student must be three years old by September 1st of the school year attending
Child must be fully potty trained by start of school year
A copy of the child's birth certificate
Up to date copy of immunization records
A copy of Baptismal Certificate (If Catholic)
Completed & Signed Physician's Report
St. Anthony's Preschool embraces the vision of a Catholic educational philosophy. Catholic values and traditions of the Catholic faith are integrated into the curriculum and all teaching/learning situations within and beyond the classroom. PreS students have exciting opportunities throughout the year to develop social, fine, and gross motor skills, personal responsibility, and independence. Students practice helping one another, practicing manners and kindness toward others.
Within our PreS program, students will:
develop their love of God, family, and community
learn through hands-on experiences
experience multi-sensory activities
explore the world around them through play
Students learn through fun activities such as:
storytelling at carpet time
singing and dancing with music and movement
art projects such as painting with various tools to cultivate creativity
interacting through dramatic play to encourage language and social skills
backyard and playground time, climbing on play structures, riding tricycles, and various outdoor activities to help support gross motor skills
indoor group play with interactive games (tossing beanbags, memory & board games, puzzles, and other manipulative toys)
Student Supply List:

Meet our Director

Mrs. Dalen has been with our program since 2008 when her own children attended Preschool.
She started as a preschool teacher with our program in 2012 and became our Preschool Director in 2017.
She holds a Child Development Site Supervisor Permit through the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
As the Preschool Director, she is committed to providing a high-quality, developmentally appropriate education that supports the growth and well-being of every child in the program.
Meet our Preschool Staff