Students are assigned devices each year to use in the classroom and follow the student for two to three years depending on the grade level. Damages to these devices not only cause...
Our Sign Up Genius is now up and running for our Auction Dinner, PTG Palooza and Olympic Day. Please mark this site and check back for upcoming classroom events, school events an...
St. Anthony's 8th grade students will be performing the Stations of the Cross on Thursday, March 21 following Mass at approximately 10 am and again on Good Friday at Noon. We hop...
Don't miss the Crab Fest and Auction on April 12. Tickets are $75 and can be purchased by clicking here . We also have lots of sponsorship tiers and VIP tables for purchase. Do...
Please help St. Anthony's Catholic Church support the Manteca Pregnancy Center by bringing in items listed in the flyer to either the School Mass on Friday or this weekend's Masse...
Order your Thanksgiving and Christmas pies today! You can click on the link or follow the QR code to place your order. All funds benefit class funds or for students in grades 4...
St. Anthony's School will be on Fall Break from October 9-13. There is no school and the school office will be closed during this week. Enjoy the break and the beautiful weathe...
St. Anthony's Catholic School believes that parents are our partners in educating our students. Please enjoy the October issue of the Parents Institute Newsletter with some powe...