Scholarships & Giving

Donating to St. Anthony's Scholarship Fund

Every year, donations from parents and friends of St. Anthony's Catholic School help students take advantage of all that St. Anthony's has to offer.

Contributions from alumni, parents of alumni, grandparents, parents, staff, and friends of St. Anthony's help defray the costs of a Catholic education that tuition revenue alone does not cover. Our goal for the 2024-2025 Scholarship Fund is $60,000.  These funds directly support Catholic students with tuition assistance here at St. Anthony's School.

Please join us and help us reach 100% participation from the entire school community!  Every gift counts.

Donate to St. Anthony School General Fund

Donate to St. Anthony's Scholarship Fund

Donation In Memoriam

Scholarships for the2024-2025 School Year are open for NEW students to St. Anthony's Catholic School (if funds are still available).

ELIGIBILITY:   All families enrolled at St. Anthony's Catholic School are eligible to apply for scholarships.
PROCESS: If a family is interested in applying for a scholarship, the application timeline is as follows.

  • Applications are accepted from January 1st through March 15th for the following school year.

  • A family is to complete the application process by March 15th (Diocesan submission date).

  • There is a $40 per family application fee, which is paid by the family.

  • Tax returns from 2023 will be used to determine aid for the 2024-2025 school year.

  • Scholarships will be applied to the following school year. 

  • An application is considered complete and eligible for consideration when all the required documentation has been filed and verified by March 15th.  Please note it can take up to several weeks to verify information so it is important to start well in advance of March 15th. 

  • Applications which are incomplete on March 16th will not be eligible for a scholarship.

  • Scholarships are awarded based on financial need and are awarded in order of assistance needed.  There is no guarantee that if assistance was awarded in a previous year, that it will continue in subsequent years.

Admissions Contact

Your Lasting Legacy

Consider naming St. Anthony's Catholic School in your estate plans.  You might be worried that by including a gift to a charitable organization there will be fewer assets left for children, family, and friends. While some estate gifts are passed on with a heavy tax percentage, others can be passed down income tax–free. When you name St. Anthony's Catholic School as the beneficiary of 1% of your retirement plan assets and leave other less-taxed assets to your children, you can positively impact St. Anthony's and leave more for loved ones.  

Did you know?

  • ​The Catholic Church educates 2.6 million K-12 students every day, at a cost of $10,000,000,000 a year, a savings of $18,000,000,000 a year to the American taxpayer.

  • The average cost to educate a student in a public school is well over $10,000 per student per year and just over $6,500 per year in a private school. 

  • Catholic education is a MINISTRY of the church. “Catholic schools afford the fullest and best opportunity to realize the fourfold purpose of Christian education, namely to provide an atmosphere in which the Gospel message is proclaimed, community in Christ is experienced, service to our sisters and brothers is the norm, and thanksgiving and worship of our God is cultivated.” – Renewing our Commitment to Catholic Elementary and Secondary Schools in the Third Millennium, USCCB

Alumni - Stay in Touch

We want to stay in touch with our alums! Beginning in Spring 2017, be watching for a bi-annual newsletter that will be made available to all former students of St. Anthony Catholic School.  So...   If you are a former student or a parent of a former student or even if you know a former student - help us by filling out this form so we can stay in touch or email us at

Alumni Contact Form

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