The Financial aid deadline comes up quick each year. Make those tax appointments and get your documents together so you don't miss the March 1 deadline. (The deadline is dictated by the Diocese.)
about 23 hours ago, Susie Dickert
Financial Aid
Join us for our PTG meeting on Wednesday, February 19 at 6:30 PM in the library.
1 day ago, Susie Dickert
Spring picture day is Wednesday, February 19. More information will be coming home from Leonard Photography. Students may wear free dress tomorrow. Shoes MUST be uniform compliant. If you are unsure about free dress standards, please refer to the St. Anthony's Parent/Student Handbook.
4 days ago, Susie Dickert
Spring Picture Day
A Catholic education is not out of reach. St. Anthony's Catholic School applications are now open. If you would like to be considered for financial aid, please apply prior to March 1 to be eligible for all financial opportunities.
6 days ago, Susie Dickert
There will be no school on Friday, February 14 and Monday, February 17 in observance of President's Day Weekend. Enjoy!
7 days ago, Susie Dickert
President's weekend
We have a minimum day tomorrow, February 12, for teacher professional development. If your child will attend after school care, please remember to send a lunch.
7 days ago, Susie Dickert
Minimum day
The Education Foundation is holding its Annual Table Setting Luncheon on Saturday, February 22. If you are interested in hosting a table or purchasing tickets, please contact Mrs. K at 209-823-4513.
13 days ago, Susie Dickert
Table Setting
Come join us for the Chili Cook Off on Friday, February 7 at 5:30 PM in the gym. Multiple categories for prizes. Can't cook? No problem, we need tasters and judges to help us out! See you there.
14 days ago, Susie Dickert
Chili Cook Off
Let's help St. Vincent de Paul restock the food pantry next week, bring any canned item. North Wing vs. South Wing - winner will be announced at the rally on Friday. Wear your favorite jersey on Friday. You can also wear either red for the Chiefs or green for the Eagles. Come and represent!
16 days ago, Susie Dickert
Souper Bowl
Last chance sale on Yearbooks for the 2024-2025 school year. All purchases must be made no later than March 28. If you aren't sure if you purchased at the beginning of the year, please contact the school office.
18 days ago, Susie Dickert
Come enjoy our students art work at the Glow Show in the Library from 4:30-6:00 PM this evening in the library.
21 days ago, Susie Dickert
Glow Show
Refer a family to St. Anthony's Catholic School and receive a month's free tuition.
21 days ago, Susie Dickert
refer a friend
Ever wondered why we need to open registration so early? Let me explain...
23 days ago, Susie Dickert
priority registration faq
Priority registration for St. Anthony's Catholic School is now open.
23 days ago, Susie Dickert
priority registration
Catholic Schools Week is when we get to showcase St. Anthony's. Join us for one or more events this week.
24 days ago, Susie Dickert
Catholic Schools Week
Our most anticipated event of the year, the Annual Book Fair, opens with Catholic Schools Week on Sunday, January 26. We can't wait to see you there. If you are interested in volunteering, you can sign up on our website:
29 days ago, Susie Dickert
Book Fair
It's almost that time of year again. Re-enrollment for St. Anthony's School begins during Catholic Schools Week. This year that is January 26-31.
about 1 month ago, Susie Dickert
Yearbook prices go up after January 7th. If you haven't purchased your yearbook yet, now is the time.
about 2 months ago, Susie Dickert
Tag you're it! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Enjoy family and friends this Christmas Break - we will see you again on Tuesday, January 7.
2 months ago, Susie Dickert
Merry Christmas
Mark your calendars for St. Anthony's Catholic School's Annual Christmas program on Thursday, December 19 at 6 PM. This truly delightful program features our 8th grade class performing the Christmas story along with all your favorite Christmas carols sung by our students and a special song performance by our Kindergarten class. This is a performance you won't want to miss.
2 months ago, Susie Dickert
Christmas Program